Cobble Hill Historical Society
Formed in 2007, The Cobble Hill Historical Society is an active group in our community sharing and preserving our unique local history.
History Wall
The Wall officially opened on Sunday June 7, 2015. Read the complete story from idea to reality.
A series of short articles from the past of the Cobble Hill area.
A variety of photos of the Cobble Hill area.
Maps of the area over time.
**NEW: Check out the new App in the Research Area!**
Interested in where your ancestors may have lived in the Cowichan Valley? Curious about previous ownership of the property you live on today? Our new App can help.

About Us
Our society was formed in 2007 and our purposes are:
To maintain an active historical society in Cobble Hill.
To collect the history of the Cobble Hill area.
To provide a web site that will function as both an archive and a virtual museum.
To maintain an historical wall that depicts people, places and events from south Cowichan history.
To provide educational outreach to our community.
The Cobble Hill Historical Society usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Youth Hall at 3565 Watson Avenue, Cobble Hill. All are welcome!
Useful Links

Cemeteries (Find a Grave)

The Heritage Museum

Nov 24th: Closed for the Season
The Museum will re-open again in spring 2025, please check back for those dates. In season, the Museum is usually open on Sundays from 11am to 3pm.
The Heritage Museum’s ‘Times They Are A-Changing Exhibit’, is an opportunity to relive your memories. See the changes that time has created in our lives.
- Remember Rock and Roll, the 50s Diner, a rotary phone, the school strap and don’t forget the ‘Out House’.
- Play the ‘GUESS THE OBJECT GAME’, it’s fun for the whole family.
When it re-opens in March 2025, you can see all this and more from 11am to 3pm on Sundays at the Heritage Museum, 2851 Church Way, in Mill Bay.

Want to Help Make History Come Alive?
Please join us in our efforts to preserve and celebrate the history of our local community. Do so while meeting new people and having some fun!
The Cobble Hill Historical Society usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the Youth Hall at 3565 Watson Avenue, Cobble Hill. All are welcome!
Our Address
Cobble Hill Historical Society
c/o Brenda Krug
785 Red Oak Drive
Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L4
Our Email